I have just started reading about NEM and it seems to me to be the most exciting thing since Bitcoin. I’ve been involved with bitcoin forover four years, and every altcoin up to this point seemed to offer little improvement over bitcoin- not enough, to me, to justify switching over in terms of building infrastructure.
NEM seems unlikely to have the scalability issues that are bound to come up with bitcoin again at some point, and it seems that POI would discourage the hoarding that is an asset to bitcoin price but a detriment to Bitcoins growth as currency with widespread circulation.
I have a couple of misgivings, however, that I need to clear up before I throw my weight behind NEM.
One is the supernode policy. If it is performance and hardware that qualifies one as a super node, why the need to have a balance of three million XEM?
Also, I saw that a quantity of XEM was set aside for supernode rewards. It looks like with the doubled reward at 140,000, the amount set aside will last for four years. How will this be replenished?
In regards to smart contract coding, I’ve been avoiding Ethereum, one, because of the types of people involved in it, but also because I think it is going to result in an extremely bloated blockchain. What is the difference between ETH and NEM with regards to the coding of smart contracts?
Does NEM have any advantages over bitcoin with regards to colored coins?
I apologize if these questions are too noobish, any links to existing threads or full responses much appreciated.