Newsletter #7

NEM Newsletter #7 is out:

Enjoy :wink:

Where is that development contract, which says about sock puppets that
"these stakes are supposed to go … fund" ?


very good job on news letter , Xtester

the newsletter looks good

very nice newsletter, thank you!

A christmas release? :stuck_out_tongue:

I am soooooooo happy to hear about a voting system that can be used to control money.  This feature is so important for the field of crypto in my opinion.  I would even postulate that it is so important that most people have no idea just how big it will be in the future. 

I firmly believe there needs to be democratic voting and rulesets as a result in any decentralized technology.  Right now we have that process in Bitcoin.  Gavin proposes changes and the miners vote with their hash power.  (But do they really?)  They pretty much always follow and say yes.  And furthermore even it they were really voting, it is such a round about and wasteful way to go about making decentralization democratic. 

I am very excited to hear more about NEM's plan more later. 

Date in the header is wrong "NEM Newsletter #7 (2014/10/21)"
Otherwise amazing  8)