NIS block height can not reach expected Height

Part of NIS log. At first glance, it reached expected Height.

2017-11-14 18:04:45.511 INFO ^[[0;32mloadBlocks (from height 1372302 to height 1
372401) needed 4ms^[[0m (org.nem.nis.dao.BlockDaoImpl d)
2017-11-14 18:04:45.762 INFO ^[[0;32mloadBlocks (from height 1372345 to height 1
372444) needed 0ms^[[0m (org.nem.nis.dao.BlockDaoImpl d)

But, in fact, it is not reached expected Height.

sometimes, following logs are also seen in the load block logs

2017-11-14 18:02:28.325 WARNING ^[[0;33mCan't perform any actions until db is fu
lly loaded; currently at height 1335892^[[0m (org.nem.nis.controller.te.ibx preH
2017-11-14 18:02:28.326 SEVERE ^[[0;31mHttp Status Code 503: NIS_ILLEGAL_STATE_L
OADING_CHAIN^[[0m (org.nem.core.connect.ErrorResponse <init>)
2017-11-14 18:02:28.327 INFO ^[[0;32mexiting /node/cysm [76.28.19

What is this warning and how to fix it?

I had likely the same problem.
It could be caused because the classpath
Is including old version nis jars.
I solved rewriting from scratch nis directory
uncompressing the tgz archive.

As you said, removed old version jars and fixed.
Thanks a lot!

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