Nis-ncc-0.6.83.tgz failed when I try to check PGP sig

I use Kleopatra for Windows to check PGP sig but when I try to check give me : Verification failed:No data

see content of the file to figure out why.

We’re dropping gpg support. zip / tgz hashes are published using apostille:

$ sha256sum nis-ncc-0.6.83.tgz
2012d34f6ae22ed417e5be817aa33d85ac86bff833ca11f486ecb476e5c16509  nis-ncc-0.6.83.tgz

P.S. my cosignatory account is well known: ncosig-imcity-nre7xu-r77ore-oyflpa-ilcnuy-ltpd

Thank you gimer.
If I understand well sha256 sum is message without first 8 bit.
In content of sig file will be location of the block for your multisig transaction where is the message.

right now there’s a link to block, but I’ll try to put there hash of a transaction
and re: format it’s according to apostille spec:

(chain explorer does not display initial 0xFE byte, this byte is usually used to mark, that the message payload should be treated as a binary data)

so yes, in this case there’s sha256 used, as sha256sum tool should be present on *nix systems

Great idea, but what’s the best way to automate this check in my scripts?
Until now I did this:

If you just publish the transaction hash, then I can automate it like this:

$ curl -s \
| jq -r '.transaction.message.payload' \
| sed -e 's/^fe4e545903//'

What do you think?

Each of (new) .sig files should now contain txId, if you’ll find it missing let me know

Not sure yet what to do with beta build, maybe they’ll be published on testnet, although I don’t feel the need to do that.

How do I know that your cosignatory account is well known? Is there a list of cosign accounts and respective owners somewhere?

best source right now are nem fund accounts, where you have all well-known cosignatories