Nis-ncc-0.6.83.tgz is not available now but included in docker image

This URL for downloading the setup is included in rb2nem docker file

So, this nis-ncc-0.6.83.tgz setup is not available now and the latest for NIS is nis-0.6.97.tgz.
So, can we replace this old setup link with this latest one in docker file for building the latest image?
Is that the same as the previous one? From the name, we can see the previous setup was for both NCC and nis but not able to find the same for 0.6.97.

If the setup is not available how it’s working from the docker image as its pointing to

You should use nis-0.6.97
Do you need docker for running it? Actually it’s needed only java8 and you can start it just without docker.

Yes. I’ll give it a try.
But we prefer to start with dockers. Let’s see.

You should update image then.