Nis synchronising - or not

I am finding it v. difficult to get my nem wallet to synchronise, I am stuck on 10 days behind, has anyone a suggestion as to how I can improve speed? Thanks

Really stuck or just slow?
What NIS version are you using?

Really really slow 5 to 10 minutes synchronises another 2 or 3 units

Maybe your internet connection is slow?

hello, I have exactly the same problem … I am 11 days late and my internet connection is good. it takes 2h for 11 blocks!

Can you supply the most recent NIS log file (nis-0.log)?


hehe…the word alone is not enough, need a link where i can download the file.

How should I do? copy paste does not work …

Upload to a file hoster and post the link to it?!8HJzgT5C!Lk_nDfX-qhMfQxLIh6KuWJScQRQaV6ZLiac45EiP-xQ

“org.nem.core.connect.FatalPeerException: remote node is evil: REMOTE_RETURNED_INVALID_HASHES”

Your node is on a fork. Either sync from scratch or download a recent db from bob, e.g.

thanks, I downloaded it but I have nothing to open a .db file and I can not find anything on the internet … I’m not very strong! :wink:

you have to replace the existing nis5_mainnet.h2.db file (after stopping NIS) with the nis5_mainnet.h2.db file you downloaded. The existing file is in the folder c:\users\ < your_user > \nem\nis\data on a windows system and /home/ < your user > /nem/nis/data on a linux system.

thank you very much, I made the handling, but it was blocked again later (NIS is synchronizing. Currently the 1,252,298 block, is. 10 days late. (to 1,252,298 blocks) what should I do?

Hard to believe if you started with the db from bob. Can you supply the log again?!QfQnGTbJ!kU8boN50WcaRNcNgNm2jJIhLRhIkeCyCX3ANbz4QGAE

version <0.6.87-BETA> :frowning:

leading to

received transaction that failed validation: FAILURE_INSUFFICIENT_FEE

You should upgrade your NIS.

how do I please?

You installed version 0.6.87 so you should be able to install 0.6.93, no?