I am setting up a new NEM node, and have download 0.6.74 package on my debian server. Without any setup modification, I’ve launched ./nix.runNis.sh and there is no warning at all. The port 7890 is opened, and I can connect to the Nis from my local wallet. By http on this port, I have the following answer :
timeStamp: 31850120,
error: “Not Found”,
message: null,
status: 404
But if I modify my wallet setup, giving my server IP address as NIS host, the top bar becomes yellow, telling NIS has to be started (Block 1)… By looking on the server database, the file nis5_mainnet.h2.db is well created, but its size is stuck to 2107392. Nothing more happens…
I could copy my local db on my server, but I wonder why the server doesn’t load the blockchain db.
Is there anything I’ve forgotten to do ?