No harvested blocks since 8 days

I used to have an average 1 block a day with delegated harvesting (for months). But now it has been 8 days without one block.
Is it possible that there is something wrong?
Should i do something?
Thank you

Are you using a remote node? If yes, which one?

Yes, Remote Server

None of my servers. Maybe you should try another remote server.

Ok, i will try

Is local harvesting less efficient ( assuming your computer is left on?

no, it doesn’t make a difference

I changed my node to wich I connect for delegated harvesting and i am receiving harvested blocks again.
Problem solved, thank you!

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So, the question remains, does it matter to which node i connect, when delegated harvesting ?

No, as long as the node is running and has not restarted nis, your account is harvesting just as well as on any other node.

Thanks, but what happened to “wvl” ? Sorry, for beeing a pain in the ass.


“wvl” is his handle, or not ? Lol.

I don’t know what happend, maybe the remote server got stuck?
I changed to another one and all is fine now.

I’m satisfied. Shit happens. Happy harvesting !