No market Data in nano wallet

Hello, i really want to fix this problem with my nanowallet.

Error “Can’t fetch market Data”

I have the last version of nanowallet 1.3.4
Last version of java.

No firewall or little snitch to block traffic. So i don’t understand why i’m the only one here that i’ve seen with that error.

It seems that this error only appears to me with the internet of my home, in all my computers. Do i need to open ports or something?

browser Console shows this

Try the latest nano wallet from Also try accessing wallet from a different internet connection.

I have heard of other people having this issue. I have yet to hear of a real fix, but the problem is usually fixed when they try a different internet connection.

i think found the problem Saul

poloniex thinks i am a bot. It will force me to do captcha every 2 minutes when i’m logged in their website. I think you guys need to take the data from somewhere else, because poloniex is too strict.

Yeah i downloaded the last version, i still have the same problem and is because of captcha, pretty sure.

logart , but how did you solve that problem? please teach me

there is no fix. i think there was some communication error. sometimes it will work some hours later. as i understood this was a data transfer problem.

It could be not visible for example when your IP is banned by service which get data from market.

so if i change the wifi or ip address, it can help, right?

All wallet data (balance, transactions) are visible? Only marketing data don’t work?
Yes, you can try use other internet Connection and verify if it fix problem.