I’ve seen several people claiming they’ve gotten their XYM on Binance, but i have yet to get any.
When should i get my XYM balance?
Need to ask Binance.
I dont find a way to contact them. The only way that shows is the useless auto-chat
Where do you see people claiming they’ve received their XYM on Binance? I’m still waiting for the XYM to show up in my account.
I have the same problem. I kept my NEM even 2 days after the snapshot. If anyone has any information please share it with us!
Whoever says he got XYM at Binance is probably lying because there is no deposit option there yet!
I used the chat function to ask when I’ll receive my XYM balance. I was forwarded to the support team that replied “as soon as possible” and referred me to the homepage for the latest information.
Update: added image of chat log.
I have the same solution
everyone is in the same boat!! hope to get it soon!
Lo más probable es que cuando inicie XYM en la plataforma de Binance, aparezca el saldo en la spot, llevo más de 15 días con inversión en XEM, esperemos
Até o presente momento, além da informação de que o snapshot foi realizado com sucesso, nenhuma outra informação foi enviada pela binance. Todavia nos tranquilizemos. Vamos deixar essa competição que vai até dia 28 acontecer primeiro. Isso vai( e já está) alavancar o preço e solidificar a moeda no mercado. Pois assim que as moedas caírem nas contas, infelizmente será uma venda louca. A XRP também não distribuiu o token SPARK, e foi ano passado o snapshot.