Node is red and no action changes that

I have initiated my NEM wallet through my Trezor. When I open it the node is red. I tried all of the nodes in the list but it is still red? How long does it take for a new node to connect? Perhaps I am not waiting long enough? Or, is there something else i am missing? Based on the conversations I read I have turned off my firewall. Closed and reopened the app but nothing has changed. I have been attempting to solve this problem for three months now.


Check using other Internet connection. Probably you have blocked ports 7890 or 7778

I am at home with only one connection. I log into the wallet through my Trezor. My Trezor is working and I can connect to the MYEtherWallet with it, but not NEM

I have a VPN and have disabled the firewall as I attempt to connect to some node that is active. I can understand that I am not connecting but am not technically up to speed on what you mean by ports or how to check that?

If you are on vpn it’s highly possible that your ports are blocked.
Please check if you have access in your browser to

Turn the vpn off when you want to connect to the node…