Node Sponsors

It would probably increase the number of nodes in NEM if you could go to the "Connected Peers" section and see little ads with links. It would be very easy to do and motivate people to make public nodes.

Would this be in a website?

What kind of adds?

Would this be in a website?

What kind of adds?

No, it would be in the NCC interface. Adds could be whatever you want. Basically it allows people to advertise to anyone connected to their node.

Would this be in a website?

What kind of adds?

No, it would be in the NCC interface. Adds could be whatever you want. Basically it allows people to advertise to anyone connected to their node.

That's very interesting. That's a completely different model than the one I thought of but makes a lot of sense.

So basically a person can harvest did door free but when they log into their NCC to send and receive they will see adverts in one of the panels.

So instead of people running nodes asking for money from harvesters, instead the harvesters get everything for free and node admins make money from advertisers.

Very interesting idea!
This made me think about advertisements and NEM… :-\

Alert! :Maybe somewhat controversial  ;D

What about a (semi)decentralised ad platform (obviously with XEM as currency).
Like the add service of google ( what is it called again??) but as decentralised as possible.

Something like this : [url=] could maybe be tweaked ???

If only I was any good at programming  :frowning:

Would this be in a website?

What kind of adds?

No, it would be in the NCC interface. Adds could be whatever you want. Basically it allows people to advertise to anyone connected to their node.

That's very interesting. That's a completely different model than the one I thought of but makes a lot of sense.

So basically a person can harvest did door free but when they log into their NCC to send and receive they will see adverts in one of the panels.

So instead of people running nodes asking for money from harvesters, instead the harvesters get everything for free and node admins make money from advertisers.

You don't even have to harvest on the node. You just have to be connected to it. Though, I suppose those nodes you are remote harvesting with could be given priority when it comes to adverts. Also didn't think of putting it on the home page.

Very interesting idea!
This made me think about advertisements and NEM... :-\

Alert! :Maybe somewhat controversial  ;D

What about a (semi)decentralised ad platform (obviously with XEM as currency).
Like the add service of google ( what is it called again??) but as decentralised as possible.

Something like this : [url=] could maybe be tweaked ???

If only I was any good at programming  :(

Could be possible with a DAO. People pay deposits into the DAO then upload the link the the advertisement image and the URL of the landing page to the blockchain along with their max bid per impression and max bid per click.

The node gets a list of these ads from the DAO and, at first, selects the ones with the highest bid per impression and uses those. When someone clicks the ad, it routes to a special page taking the node as one parameter and the address that clicked the ad as another.

The link is responsible for reporting to the DAO that the link was clicked. It is in the advertiser's best interest to do so because if the node does not receive payment the ad will be dropped until payment is received. Further, image, account, and URL matching can be used to block similar ads until payment is received.

The wallet users are responsible for reporting advertisement impressions to the DAO. It doesn't cost them anything to do (aside from a little bandwidth) and because the reporting is built into the wallet software, the user is unlikely to report inaccurately unless they modify the code.

To prevent mass botnets, in order for an impression or click to register, the account needs to have a minimum ammount of XEM for a minimum number of blocks and can only register one click and one impression per ad per week and only 50 impressions per week and 10 clicks per week. This prevents nodes from getting botnets to click and view every ad. This applies to a single ad from multiple nodes.

Nodes cannot know which account they are advertising to so they target all connected users by default. Suspicious behavior can also be tracked to minimize nodes clicking and viewing their own ads.