

Some people may know me from Nxt( I promised almost 1 year ago that i would release a full node explorer for Nem, here it is…


Features like blockchain download(filehoster), more statistics etc i will add soon.

Feedback, Questions And Donations Are Welcome


Nice work! Thanks!  :slight_smile:

Great job!

Awesome Work :). Didn't know you helped with PeerExplorer (good job on that one :slight_smile: )

Donated  :wink:

Maybe you should add a donation address on the bottom of the page like there is on PeerExplorer.

Awesome Work :). Didn't know you helped with PeerExplorer (good job on that one :) )

Donated  ;)

Maybe you should add a donation address on the bottom of the page like there is on PeerExplorer.


There is a address in the about tab "hidden".  :P

Great work, looks very good. Sent a donation. Now I must get in touch with my ISP to change my RIPE entry  :frowning:

BTW looks like we need some nodes in the Middle-East and Africa anyone know VSP providers in these areas?


BTW looks like we need some nodes in the Middle-East and Africa anyone know VSP providers in these areas?


Its always interesting to see where full nodes are deployed in the world. In nxt there was sometimes one from nigeria and south africa online. Maybe it is cheaper for africans to deploy nodes from a european/us hoster anyway?

wow, pretty cool. thx for the work

This is really amazing. I meant to donate today, but I will send a donation tomorrow for sure! I am quite impressed.

It could be cool to plot the price of NEM on the nodes graph :slight_smile:

Is it possible to plot the total number of unique NEM addresses in use / known to the network and further can you distinguish between co-signed and non-co-Signed addresses. I'm interest in how many people have actually created co-sign accounts.


Hey crimi, As I had requested earlier please blur the IPs. Wallets have been created in a few user's pcs by accessing the port 8989 using the IP addresses.

Thanks for the feedback so far.

It could be cool to plot the price of NEM on the nodes graph :slight_smile:

Website will stay infrastructure specific.

Is it possible to plot the total number of unique NEM addresses in use / known to the network and further can you distinguish between co-signed and non-co-Signed addresses. I'm interest in how many people have actually created co-sign accounts.

Website will stay infrastructure specific.

Hey crimi, As I had requested earlier please blur the IPs. Wallets have been created in a few user's pcs by accessing the port 8989 using the IP addresses.

As i said bluring doesnt add any security and privacy… block the specific ports as suggested (8989…). Nem devs should add in a disable GUI and aswell a admin password(API) option. Bitcoin did for example seperate client, fullnode and miner. In nem everyone has the potential to be a full node by default, this has a lot of upsides and downsides as you see.

Nice one @ crimi. Sent 30k your way
Gute Arbeit!

Srsly, you have to mask the IPs. There are many people running nodes that just don't know enough about how to securely set their machines up. People are already having their NCCs hijacked appearantly because they have them running on the same machine as NIS and all ports open (agreed kind of their own fault but still you don't have to make it even easier to find vulnerable setups).

Nice work though !

Great work Crimi! 

But please mask the IP's, atleast for now. 

Nice one @ crimi. Sent 30k your way
Gute Arbeit!

Danke mein Herr

Srsly, you have to mask the IPs. There are many people running nodes that just don't know enough about how to securely set their machines up. People are already having their NCCs hijacked appearantly because they have them running on the same machine as NIS and all ports open (agreed kind of their own fault but still you don't have to make it even easier to find vulnerable setups).

Minor hotfix for nem devs... dont blame it on the users.

Should i obfuscate also the API?  :D

Srsly, you have to mask the IPs. There are many people running nodes that just don't know enough about how to securely set their machines up. People are already having their NCCs hijacked appearantly because they have them running on the same machine as NIS and all ports open (agreed kind of their own fault but still you don't have to make it even easier to find vulnerable setups).

Nice work though !
But what about the api? This is a big d'oh moment, this missed during coding and testing (i'm mad at myself for not finding this). Blaming people for having ports open is wrong considering our target audience.

Srsly, you have to mask the IPs. There are many people running nodes that just don't know enough about how to securely set their machines up. People are already having their NCCs hijacked appearantly because they have them running on the same machine as NIS and all ports open (agreed kind of their own fault but still you don't have to make it even easier to find vulnerable setups).

Nice work though !
But what about the api? This is a big d'oh moment, this missed during coding and testing (i'm mad at myself for not finding this). Blaming people for having ports open is wrong considering our target audience.

Its also good practice to post  the specific platform and java version of every user in the API for example "Oracle Corporation (1.8.0_40) on Windows 7".

I don't know about "trust" but it is a list of nodes that are available. For example if all the dev nodes go down, there would still be many other nodes to connect to.
It would be nice if we could populate that file with nodes from your website.

Now i know what you mean, indeed this could be useful. I will start working on it next days.