During some testing, I came across a few misconfigured nodes. If you own them and you could fix them, that would be great :).
Running but not booted:
Mismatched boot key:
SEVERE: Fatal error encountered while communicating with <Node [pat <TDPATMAMYAICKQ7SPFFE3TRTHYW2XF773VTTHYUI>] @ [chain.nem.ninja]>:
org.nem.peer.node.ImpersonatingPeerException: entity source cannot be verified
SEVERE: Fatal error encountered while communicating with <Node [nemtrader-jaded <TCVDPRIGELGQ7F7FLVXDL63PB7BCUEYSCZPNFDJ5>] @ []>: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: org.nem.core.connect.FatalPeerException: Peer returned 500 with error: <�Internal Server Errornetwork has not been booted yeti�>
SEVERE: Fatal error encountered while communicating with <Node [ParanaBot2 <TAP6WH4K4NOCY4AIO5FWJBFRXFTFBL5ZWCBJNNPV>] @ []>: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: org.nem.peer.node.ImpersonatingPeerException: entity source cannot be verified