Not received nem ! [SOLVED]

brought 4185 nem from poionex received hash 45a496e60130425c37d5c7ecee7c80ee38957941d55c3da7cb6173f36ae46b83 from poionex, nem in my purse NBBVEKSMADN5ZSGOVT6LOSUOY374AM6GK65F5C4X’t have done it! what do I do?

Hello @edgarvir
Could you explain what doesn’t work?
Transaction is done and sent to NBBVEKSMADN5ZSGOVT6LOSUOY374AM6GK65F5C4X
You don’t see it in your wallet ?

Are you connected to a working node? Are you using Nanowallet? Is your node status green or red?


Check if you have indeed address NBBVEKSMADN5ZSGOVT6LOSUOY374AM6GK65F5C4X in your wallet …
From top menu Send -> Receive tab. Give us print screen from this view.

Could you please check which node are you connected. It looks like node you are connected it’s not up-to-date. Try change to another node. If doesn’t help place tell me which node are you using.
You can check and change node by clicking green circle and checking/selecting another one.

Thank you

I changed the hub and all was well! thank you that helped me;)

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Glad to hear this!