Notice About Bounties for Apps and Blogs

Today we made another round of bounty payments for the blogs and mobile apps. I am happy to report all told with last month and this month we have paid out over 500,000 in bounties. Way to go community!

As the marketcap has increased, there have been some calls to lower bounties.

Going forward the new bug bounty for apps will be 2500 XEM for a small issue, 5,000 XEM for a regular, and 10,000 XEM for a critical issue made in Github. More information can be found here.

For blogs, the new bounty payments will be 50,000 XEM for an outstanding blog, 25,000 XEM for a good blog, 10,000 for a short but publishable blog, and 5000 XEM for a blog that could have been published but we declined to do so. More information can be found here.

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