Official news from China. Seems like the mess will be over. (Use Google Translate)

All this fuss regarding illegal ICOs and blocking them, creating panic among investors and getting prices dropped on well established cryptos, just to admit officially that in the end, they actually want to get involved into blockchain, not ban it :smile:

sounds true man…

Could you eli5 this thing ? I’ve heard the exact oppsite and translated Chinese is simply incromprehensible to me.

Basically it is saying the China wants to be at the forefront of the blockchain industry and wants to work together with tech companies, universities, financial institutions and research centres to develop guidelines. It suggests that regulations should be developed by the industry itself and to create a regulatory body when that process is mature.

Thanks but I don’t see at all how that ends the messs. ICOs remain banned and all coins issued as ICOs remain illelgal. This just tells us why they did it which was pretty obvious from the getgo. Of course China want’s complete controll over how this tech is being used by their people. It’s China!

I haven’t seen news that they are banning coins coins issued at ICOs - only the ICOs themselves until the industry can be regulated. It’s a little like the US - citizens can’t participate in many ICOs but it doesn’t stop them trading coins. Soon there will be deregulated exchanges. I think this is just a blip like many others. But as always I have only put in what I can afford to lose because you never know what can happen.

That doesn’t sound like ‘the mess will be over’ - the linked official news item is the announcement of a central Chinese technical strategy, it’s got nothing to do with banning ICOs.

The original news from Chine said,

“Any token sales that are completed prior or ongoing to this report, the team is to make arrangements to return all amounts to the investors.”

See translation here:

How is that not going to affect NEO? It means they have to give all the money back to Chinese investors?


No messs wont stop to soon, the bigger the product the bigger the watching eye. i think its a good thing to many icos spawnd to fast. here even in germany they wrote in mass media.

they say its a shady trend of new startups to make up currencys and back there company by fakemoney like skincoin and others.