Maybe someone is able to get in contact with those guys, would be a nice opportunity as nem is able to deliver today a lot of topics they are interested in…
Maybe someone is able to get in contact with those guys, would be a nice opportunity as nem is able to deliver today a lot of topics they are interested in…
We are planning to reach out to them from NEM foundation.
as italian and EU citizen, to my experience, lacking a direct contact,
and considering the EU has social plans toward economic development,
I feel that one way to get the NEM principles and technology being
evaluated and publicized, would be by SME funding, SME acronym for Small Medium Enterprises,
where the rules are here:
I think this way implies a NEM Europe legal entity constituted.
I’ve been searching to what is doing European Central Bank,
it seems is going to this project called t2s
Here are some documents they delivered, along with functional spec.
If NEM would like to enter here, it shoud integrate with t2s system
Mr Yves Mersch, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB,
states they’re working with Bank of Japan
to study the possible use of DLT
This is a europarliament publication
About what they think about blockchain,
In summary, there is not only Bitcoin,
And it is not only financial application scoped,
For example blockchain for EU patent system.
Interesting. Are there currently initiatives in Europe around nem?
city of Antwerp looking to experiment with NEM platform:
ECB update
Blockchain reference paragraphs:
The Eurosystem has the statutory task of promoting the smooth operation of payment and
settlement systems.12 The Eurosystem also fulfils carries out its tasks by acting as a catalyst for change and fostering the harmonisation of market standards, as well as by encouraging the removal of barriers to financial market integration. The impact of technological innovation as applied to financial markets (fintech) is, therefore, relevant for central banks, which need to ensure that innovation can be an enabler of safer, faster, and cheaper domestic and cross-border financial transactions, while at the same time avoiding a situation where the adoption of innovation based on diverging standards in different national markets constitutes a barrier to integration.
Among recent fintech innovations, distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) have attracted much
interest from the financial industry as well as from public authorities in their different capacities as regulators, catalysts and supervisors. The potential adoption of DLTs by market participants would entail the need to (1) bring various aspects of technological innovation within the current legal framework, reconciling them with the basic principles of contract, property and securities law; (2) explore the legal nature of virtual currencies and digital financial assets in general, and the finality of book-entries and their updates in a distributed ledger; (3) foster the definition of interoperability standards among novel market infrastructures and with incumbents, across geographies and asset classes; and (4) understand the implications of technological innovation for incumbent institutions, for the overall architecture of financial markets as we know them today, and for financial supervision and oversight.
The ECB suggests that the current efforts towards the development of harmonised and principle-based regulation and legislation across Member States be reinforced. This would ensure that market participants developing new services and technologies are not limited by different national legislations and by the risk of unexpected regulatory changes. Regulation should be designed to be long-lasting, to the extent possible, and constant interaction with developers of new services should be promoted to avoid a situation where changes in regulation warranted by specific innovations are overlooked until the latter are ready for adoption by market participants.
18 may! DEADLINE man inside ECB Pilot Project?
Link to european commission observatory for blockchain