Opt-in opens with the NEM desktop wallet

I am really pleased to announce that Opt-in is NOW OPEN!! This means that now all XEM account holders can start the Opt-in process via the Desktop wallet. This represents a significant and important step on our journey towards the launch of Symbol later this year. We have created a campaign to promote Opt-in, including a series of explanatory walk through videos and FAQs on the NEMplatform.com website at nemplatform.com/symbol-migration.

The mobile wallets will follow shortly. They have been sent to Google (Android) and will be followed by Apple and IOS next week. We will update the community once the mobile wallets are available for download.

For now I want to thank the developers, tech team and our external partners for all their hard work in getting us to this point. It brings the launch of Symbol one step closer.


Apologies -here is a quick Japanese translation - the official will follow soon.

この度、オプトインがオープンしたことを発表できることを大変嬉しく思います。これにより、すべてのXEM口座をお持ちの方は、デスクトップウォレットを介してオプトインプロセスを開始することができるようになりました。これは、今年後半の Symbol の発売に向けての重要かつ重要な一歩となります。私たちは、NEMplatform.com のウェブサイト nemplatform.com/symbol-migration 26 にある一連の説明ビデオや FAQ を含め、オプトインを促進するためのキャンペーンを作成しました。

モバイルウォレットもまもなく導入される予定である。モバイルウォレットは Google (Android) に送られ、来週には Apple と IOS にも送られる予定です。モバイルウォレットがダウンロードできるようになりましたら、コミュニティにお知らせします。



這意味著現在所有XEM帳戶持有人都可以通過桌面錢包啟動加入流程。這是我們今年晚些時候啟動Symbol之旅的重要而重要的一步。我們創建了一個宣傳加入的運動,其中包括NEMplatform.com上的一系列解釋性視頻演示和常見問題解答 網站位於nemplatform.com/symbol-migration





:warning: Attention - there are two NEM NanoWallet Versions 2.4.7 out there. One with Opt-In Support and one without.

It confused me first. The instructions say we have to use V2.4.7 and then find “Symbol Opt-In” in the tab services:

2.4.7 is actually the version I am using for months already. But then, there’s no “SYMBOL OPT IN” in the “Services” tab available.

So there is a different version with the same version number 2.4.7 available which supports the Opt-In!
We can see the new “2.4.7-optin” at GitHub released a few hours ago, just above the version 2.4.7 from December 2019.

May I propose to the NEM Core / NEM Group team to

  1. clarify this matter in the instructions at http://nemplatform.com/symbol-migration

and perhaps even

  1. consider giving the new updated version another version number, i.e. “2.4.7a”. If there was some reason why not to choose a next sequential number.

And when we’re at possible UX improvements for https://nemplatform.com/wallets/#desktop :

The download selection view shows the 2.3.2 versions too attractively positioned here:
The way it’s displayed looks like someone should click those to get the right Universal client for their OS.
The only way to see that these system-specfic links lead to an old version is the destination link preview in the status bar, if you have that enabled in your web browser. :roll_eyes:

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It is true that this confuses people. Small improvements here would save work for telegram admins.

I would suggest remove the OS specific links, and simply add text stating something like “OS specific wallet, version 2.3.2 without opt-in module, is available here” - And link to github repositories, or other page with more information on the 2.3.2 wallet version.


And like clockwork, we have the next person asking about it.


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Leon never sleeps… Isn’t it 4am over there? :yum:
And you’re still out and about helping the community. Great job!


Hi there - thanks for this we have updated the wallet to be called 2.4.7 (Opt-in version) to avoid confusion and we will encourage everyone to follow the process outlined, which will make sure they download the correct version. We will also be keeping an eye on issues to be part of a snagging list of which we will review on Friday and address.


Thanks for the help of the Chinese community
I have completed the Chinese version of the Opt-in:

:cn: http://www.itechly.com/symbol-migration




Why not Auto opt-in everyone?

Because of tax. In some countries you pay tax on income and digital assets are considered a “property”.
The laws regarding digital assets are different in different countries and in some countries there is no law
that covers that matter. Opt in process gives options for users in different counitries to
to avoid a taxable event or to reduce the tax by selecting the time in 6 year period in which
they are more comfortable to receive XYM.


Any ETA for Android wallet opt-in?


Not just yet - waiting on Apple and Google approvals.



Wasn’t sure where to put this clarification so I have come right back to the original opening announcement.

A couple of questions have been raised about a specific scenario where:

  • A multi sig account has >100 XEM
  • A cosigner on the multi-sig has <100 XEM
  • Both accounts have opted in correctly

The clarify behaviour in this scenario, both accounts will be included in the Genesis/Nemesis block and both will have their balance included.

Doing otherwise would caus ethe multi-sig opt in to fail and need to be redone after launch or make it difficult/impossible for the cosigner to opt post launch because they would have been partially processed as part of the cosigner set up.

Hope that helps

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Hello Dave, Not sure where to put this question. As the snapshot has been delayed until somewhere in March, does it mean that if we buy more NEM until then, we would still get equally XYM for such NEM, or was that stopped mid Jan?


Before snapshot, any xem you add to a wallet which has been opted in will result in the same amount of added xym at launch yes.