我从火币提币到p网已经5天了 还没有到账是什么问题

我从火币提币到P网已经5天了 还没有到账是什么问题 我该怎么做

并且火币一直在推卸责任 我们只发币 不管其他的问题


I have been from the coin of the coin money to P net already 5 days have not arrived the account is what problem what should I do? This is my coin Txid 1e6fda43d0f5e6e7ff1f61a9f02c3bc920c5c27f1127c33b2fd3ade4dfb26e9d

This is your transaction :

Could you please tell me from where did you sent to Poloniex? It was sent as v2 that’s why Poloniex don’t process automatically. Only way is contact with Poloniex support.

edit: ok. I know. You have sent from Huobi.