Payment software for NEM

It is obvious that in order to make NEM succeed it has to have the possibility to buy and sell real-life commodities. In order to do this we'll need a software that both the seller (company) and the buyer (individual) can use to exchange NEM with each other.

I'd like to start a conversation regarding the features that this (hopefully to come) software should contain.

I'm thinking that there are several possibilities regarding it. What kind of platform it should use (PC, OS, Mobile app&tablet), what features it should have (only payment or other features as well) and other stuff.

The optimal situation would be IMO that the software would work in both PC, MAC and Mobile devices and offer a payment solution with NEM. But this probably is not the realistic situation for a long time. Maybe something easy and simple just for the beginning.

This thread can give ideas to the dev's, and can possibly guide the development fund use, so give your ideas about what the best kind of payment system would be for NEM!

This is the number 1 idea that I have seen - in fact, I made an account just to make some suggestions on it. This is something that even Bitcoin has failed to do very well. Let me explain:

So many Point-Of-Sale Systems cost thousands of dollars. Have you guys ever heard of Square? Do you know why so many people don’t mind paying a higher percentage for credit card processing? I mean, why pay more right? To them, Square is better value. Square offers a complete POS system - for free. What I mean by that, is - you can process cash, check, AND credit cards (but only using square).

What NEM needs (and hear me out here) is a POS system that is designed as greatly as it’s wallet - and is as functional as any other POS system out there. It needs to be able to process NEM payments, but that wont be the draw to the average person. But here’s how you make NEM grow - imagine this scenario.

NEM’s development team creates a great, functional, user-friendly POS system. It processes cash, check, credit card, and NEM. Many merchants will pick this software up because it is functional and user-friendly, and free. They will use this to process cash, check, and credit card payments mostly. Likely, they won’t even care that it processes NEM transactions. But here’s the kicker - now you have TONS of merchants that are ABLE to process NEM. It’s like the trojan horse from history guys! The more merchants you have that can process NEM, the more people will buy and spend it. The stronger the network will become! This is really what is stopping any cryptocurrency from getting big.

BitPay started to do it with Bitcoin. They really have a nice POS, but it ONLY processes Bitcoin. People that aren’t interested in Bitcoin can’t use it. You need to make a POS system that people will use - even if they don’t give a shit about NEM.

Sidenote: I believe square has an API you can tap into to make this new POS process credit cards. Cash and check are fairly simple - it’s basically a records keeper at that point. But you really need to add some great features to this. I know that it will be a huge undertaking and take precious time away from the development of the currency - but I guarantee that the first cryptocurrency to do this right, will skyrocket into the mainstream.

Here is a quick mockup I did after I got off work, I spent probably 10 minutes on the first screen - then less time on 2nd, and even less time on 3rd. You get the point. If you give the average business person every reason to use this POS system (It’s free, fully functional, runs on cheap Android tablets, easy to use) then they will use it! The trick is that it comes pre-bundled with the ability to process XEM payments. Let’s say you get 1000 users on this POS system…that’s 1000 merchants that are able to accept XEM and they didn’t take any convincing.

Edit: here’s the link:

Sounds good. You want to take this up as you little project? I can hook you up with some people doing POS on this. But these are real economy people and you can get a solution done up for a fee and then you can dish them out for free.

You mean pay to have the app developed, right? Hmm… I wonder what they charge?

Not sure. Try Have a look and do some exploration on that.

What do you mean by this? I’m interested. I would love to be a part of this project and make this happen for NEM

Really good idea!

Just curious, why has no other crypto already done this?

It’s a big project within itself - and I think sometimes they don’t see the bigger picture. Example: You’ve spent hundreds of hours developing something/and or hundreds of dollars. You can charge a fee for it or give it away, why would you give it away? Me, I want to see NEM succeed. I think it could really help.