Pedro E. Gutierrez Q. for NEM Council Member

Hello, I open this forum so you can ask the questions corresponding to my application as Council Member.

My linkedin

To read the Policy Document, please go to the following link:

My Video:


Buenas tardes Sr. @Pedro_Gutierrez , gracias por publicar aquĂ­! Not Spanish speaking but picked up a little from my college days, had Colombian and Cuban roommates :slight_smile:

I had several questions actually

ON LATAM work:

  1. You mention that you’ve done some engagement work on shaping a regulatory framework for blockchain in LATAM. Could you give an indication of how that is progressing?
  2. This is not entirely related and I’m really only asking for an opinion of it but what are your thoughts on PetroCoin?


  1. You mention you would like to hire a PR company to help build the image. Why is this necessary/ can we do this in-house or develop the internal capacity to as a more long term solution? You specifically mention at the local level so am quite curious what kind of value add you believe a PR agency would bring.
  2. Understandably your document is very Latin America focused but could you elaborate specifically on how we are doing in different LATAM countries? I would assume that we have a major presence in Colombia but what about the other countries?
  3. There’s a lot on expanding NEM but as a council member you will also be representing the NEM community. What are your steps on transparency/ communication with the community and for the record what are your thoughts on POI voting?
  4. In your doc you outline a proposed 10k to 15k USD fee when a development company uses NEM logos/ with training and certification by our developers.
    a) what if the development company or those certified developers support scammy projects? do we have a due dilligence process or a way to avoid bad actors from tarnishing our name?
    b) does LATAM have the capacity to conduct these trainings and certifications? I read from NEM:red that some technical trainers have been traveling from SEA to do training. If this means that LATAM lacks developers/ trainers, do you have plans to build this capacity?

Gracias por todo!

In Latin America we have 14 open embassies. In other words, we have constant activities in 14 countries in LATAM, and there are still a few more to open.

All our ambassadors are professionals in the area of technology and everyone is very active in their countries.

I have been leading along with ambassadors of Mexico, Colombia and Uruguay, processes that can collaborate with these governments, to give some regulation to the activity of the Cryptocurrencies and of course to its “Blockchain” technology

Actually the subject of Petro is very delicate, I think it is not at all clear where it is going or how it will work. While the Government of Venezuela does not clarify how it will work in the International market, I can not express an accurate opinion.

I know that it is a part that needs to be explained and I thank you to ask the question in order to do it. When we read the news worldwide by the main means of cryptocurrencies or traditional media, they rarely tell us. This is because our competition “Other Blockchains” are more popular or those other media have more investment in these other technologies. We must begin to show more strongly how powerful we are

So my plan is basic, to be able to get a small pilot test, where we can measure ROI results of the investment that is decided to the final consensus in this regard.

We must expose much more what we do, what we sign and what our CoreDevs, advance from the point of view of CATAPULT, this may increase our popularity and I am sure that it will attract some additional holders.

In Latin America we have great progress, we have 14 countries operating and the most active are: Mexico, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina and Colombia, in all we have already signed MOUS, with universities or with SI companies.

As a Council, I want to replicate our good practices, in other countries in the world, in having approaches to universities and governments, that allow the development of POC, that end up becoming large projects.

Look, really these last days have all been very active in the community of NemBeria and NemRed, I have been closely following the whole debate. Effectively, as a Council would agree with the POI vote, but with KYC. And some rules, To prevent the Exchanges, they can seize the foundation.

For Transparency, I would like to propose to the board, to have an external audit for example of KPMG, to be able to know how our annual numbers are, I think it is the best way and thus we give much more transparency to our activity.

It’s an idea that I have for a few months. For example IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, etc, charge an annual fee for the use of logos in exchange for training. This could help generate some income for sustainability.

a) To avoid this, we must perform a Due Dilligence, which is really simple, we must also sign a contract with fines for breach or to be involved with illegal activities, this point is really easy to solve.

b) Latam is really growing a lot, we had the visit of Shin Tatt from SEA, where 240 developers were trained in 3 countries. We do not lack developers, we lack coaches. Just this week we signed an MOU with a very strong company in Chile, which has some developers that will be our local coaches, to start generating a great community about NEM technology. My Plan is to give constant training to the already trained developers. And to those who come new, to capture them from the universities, this is very important every time we sign an MOU with a university.

Thanks so much @Pedro_Gutierrez! Good sensible answers. Looking forward to more news coming from LATAM! I particularly like your sensible approach of having a pilot test, measuring the ROI, then and only then deciding if you want to scale up.

Thanks for your responses, fees for logo use is a great idea!

What work do you know going on in Brazil?

Should the PR/branding be done by each separate region or would a global approach work better?

In Brazil we already have 2 important projects, I leave the web so you can review them:

Additionally we have important advances with two governorates in Brazil, but we can not give more information, because for matters of confidentiality, we only announce things, when we have them ready.


This I must review, once the time has come, I will analyze it together with the other members of the council to get the most appropriate for NEM.

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Hi Pedro,

Fantastic work in such a short amount of time! definitely very impressed in your accomplishments together with the team. I am a fan of your work.


  1. How do you think we can work better with other regions?

  2. What can we do as a community to push more public chain transactions as we expand to other countries, establish embassies, train developers and support more projects on NEM?

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I will double it. Your work discipline exhaust me and I feel I am pushing the biggest amount of outputs in whole community. I would love to know how are you doing it :smiley:

Hello Jason, thank you very much for the comment, it really motivates me to work even harder.

Do I answer you

  1. We have to seek to unify the work of all the regions under a great strategic business plan. I think we will all advance together much faster.

  2. To increase transactionality in the public chain, we must begin to have great approaches with the developers of the world through alliances with Universities and SI companies, this will make them become our best sellers. Why ?, because when they know our solution, they realize that it is in most cases 90% better than the other solutions that are in the market. I think this would be the backbone of our strategy

In conclusion, we must make a large community of developers, that for me is the secret.

Hello Tony, it’s a pleasure to say hello.

Tony I work full time in NEM, I work without stopping from Monday to Sunday, this amuses me and I really like what I do. All my life I have worked in technology, I participated in the dot com boom, but I was very young and did not have as much experience as now. Having again the opportunity to participate in a revolution as the Blockchain is, for me it is something very exciting.

I am convinced that by working hard, we will make NEM what we all want.



We should go after SI companies and also look into game changing enterprises who can get a lot of public transactions in a short amount of time. Universities are also very important to spot good talent.