Phishing-mail targeting accounts

I think people should get warned more about that pishing attack:

You have just been sent a personal message by GuyWithNEM on Bitcoin Forum.

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to this email.

The message they sent you was:

Hi! Important news about NEM Open Alpha [link modified for safety reasons]

Reply to this Personal Message here:;sa=send;f=inbox;pmsg=2857646;quote;u=377588

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Maybe at least a twitter message?

Maybe at least a twitter message?

I think a tweet is a good idea.

I almost fell for this one.  They were hoping that since PM's are often sent to Mail based browsers, like Yahoo!, that we would not be signed in through there and would just type away.  I literally typed in my login and then as I was about to type my password, decided to go into my normal web browser and read the PM.  That when I noticed bilcointalk in the URL.  Man that was close, was a great way to phish for logins.  Is the hope to come back and steal the NEM stake later or hoping to the limit the number of stakes claimed thereby raising their own holdings?

Feel bad for anyone that lost their BTT account over this.