Portfolio for NEM (XEM) holders & investors

We have created website-based cryptocurrency portfolio, that allows anybody follow owned NEM (XEM) and other main altcoins.


TL;DR: Submit number of owned coins and their buy price. Website will track current rates + calculate gains/loses/profits + generate chart. If you own more than a 1 coin it’s a must. Since it will give you instant overview over you crypto investment.

A few important points about Coinparator:

  • it’s free for everybody, no subscription plans
  • fully anonymous without submiting email or linking your device
  • submit number of coins + buy price = easy to use
  • just one ad banner on the site, no other catch

Coinparator supports NEM (XEM):

Portfolio overview:


Feel free to contact me with any suggestions how to make Coinparator better. Report any bugs or problems, that you’re facing while using it. And you’re also welcome to post feedback (both positive/negative welcome).

Post it either here into this topic, to my Private message or contact me via mail.

Looking forward to your replies.