Hi everyone.
So i was told to post this here as i contacted makoto directly regarding this issue.
So anywhoo, I participated in the NEM "Ponzi" game on this forum by making a post and a transaction (128,000 if i remember right) to the posters account:
Anywhoo, some time later i had a load of transactions of 0 NEM from ICharles account, as pictured here:
Further details on the top transaction is listed here:
As you can see, from the transaction list i recieved a considerable amount of 0 NEM and i figured i'd bring this to peoples attention in the event this is a bug.
Prior to these transactions appearing, i was maintaining my account at 1,500,000 NEM and after these transactions came through, it jumped to over 7 million. but as i'm unable to view all transactions due to the GUI bug which repeats transactions in the list, i cannot ascertain whether or not it's this account that gave me the NEM or some other randomer generously passing large sums out.
Either way, i think there's some buggy behavior going on here that might need some attention.
You got all those nem from Icharles I guess. Check out these transactions in block 50486 where you got about 6.2 million NEM: