Private Key + safety

What can or should we change in our future wallets, so all of them have to secure their private keys at the beginning.
When many new people use the wallets, mistakes are made. Even long-term nemsters, are also only people with carelessness. Should we change something at the first start of a wallet. It is annoying, but one is protected in some way from itself.
The same applies, of course, when creating new users or multisig…

only education can remedy this.

most people entering crypto come from the user/password mindset.

But yes, something prominent upon logging in the first time with highlighted button to ‘save private key’ could be beneficial.

I am thinking about new measures regarding account safety at wallet creation:

  • Download still trigerred automatically
  • Instead of redirecting directly to login page, a modal window will show up
  • It has message asking to backup data with recommendations
  • Button to show the private key
  • Button to show the raw wallet (base 64 string)
  • Button to backup wallet file if not trigerred
  • Last message: “By clicking below button you agree that all your wallet data is safe”
  • Only way to close the modal is to click on a “I agree” button