I though of using mosaic description to hold private invite links, is there any way i can send data that can only be read by a person that has a mosaic?
Hi Psyder,
NEM has the encrypted message feature, but it’s only 1 to 1 encryption. A partial solution could be, when you send the mosaic, you could attach a message with the private link.
It’s true that, with this solution, using a mosaic is not required, but it could be useful if you want to add application logic. Example: If the account has N of mosaic:X → then search for encrypted message → unencrypt message → open private invite link.
What do you think?
I’ve suggested an encrypted message 1 to 1, because of “hold private invite links” could require a specific invitation link for one user.
That is fine for this use
I know mosaics will be something usefull and i’m just trying to find more and more uses…
I am not a dev in any way, but that logic is usefull, it could also be used as membership card for account specific content, like a subscription ; you register by username , mail AND nem account, and it checks for mosaic balance…
I saw a member doing similar for NEMp3 website, but this would use a mosaics then…
It provides some sort of “belonging” to a project, with some business logic related with.
I hope that, with Catapult, will be more features related with Mosaics/Namespaces