edit: issue solved.
im configuring a server(centos 6, 768mb ram(i tried 1gb ram - same thing happens), 15gb storage) and im using these lines of code:<br />iptables -D INPUT 1<br />iptables -D INPUT 1<br />iptables -D INPUT 1<br />iptables -D INPUT 1<br />iptables -D INPUT 1<br />iptables -D OUTPUT 1<br />iptables -D FORWARD 1<br /><br />iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 7890 -j ACCEPT<br />iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 7890 -j ACCEPT<br />iptables -I FORWARD 1 -p tcp --dport 7890 -j ACCEPT<br /><br />yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_x64<br /><br /> sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=2048 count=512k<br /><br />sudo mkswap /swapfile<br />sudo swapon /swapfile<br /><br />sudo nano /etc/fstab<br /><inserted> swap /swapfile swap defaults 0 0<br /><br />sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf<br /><inserted> vm.swappiness=10<br />
the code goes in fine and everything runs as it should for as long as i leave it live, but after reboot of the server, swappiness is still at 10. /swapfile is still saved in /fstab, java is still on it as are the iptable settings, but the swap disk(indented line) vanishes ie when i do "swapon -s" nothing is there. isnt saving /swapfile into /fstab and/or setting vm.swappiness=10 supposed to make it permanent? the result of swap disk vanishing is that nis crashes due to "out of memory" error.
if anyone can solve this il send them some nem as a bounty after launch. iv tried it over and over and over using freshly deployed servers aswell and still the same thing happens. im not copy and pasting ether so its highly unlikely i would make the same typo 50 times over which i probably have done it that many times already if not more.
what does mount -a
say ?
what does [code]mount -a[/code] say ?
You have an error in your fstab. Thats why system trying to recreate proper file after reboot.
You have:
swap /swapfile swap defaults 0 0
You should have:
/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0
You have an error in your fstab. Thats why system trying to recreate proper file after reboot.
You have:swap /swapfile swap defaults 0 0
You should have:/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0
just noticed that about half hour ago. :)
problem now is that java isnt installing with the command in the boot script. im wondering if it is because you need to enter "y" and then hit enter but there is no command in the boot script to give those instructions. do you know how to fix that? im guesing just put "y" under the yum install line but how do you denote "enter"? if its not that then do know what to do?
If I can understand you correctly,
yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless.x86_x64should do it.