Problems receiving mosaics levy fee on testnet

Hello Nembers!

I have already done a lot of homework, but I couldn´t make it work… I think I really need some help.

How can you receive a levy fee from mosaics that I created?

I made some mosaics with, percentage and absolute levy fees, and distributed the tokens between many test accounts I have created on Testnet, including a multisign one. Then I made transactions with these mosaic tokens between these accounts expecting to receive the levy fee on the main account, the mosaics owner account.

The levy fees are charged on every transaction from the senders accounts, but the fee never arrives to the levy recipient account. I checked very carefully the levy account address while creating the mosaics to guarantee not typing anything wrong on the address. Also tried the address with dashes, that where removed by the nanowallet.

I am sending the images of the mosaic create transactions, so someone maybe find a problem on my mosaic config.

I will try testing new mosaics sending levy fee to different accounts, other then the creator account… I really don know what am i doing wrong… :frowning:

Anyone already had this problem?

Thank you very much.

Well, now the whole thing is working correctly.
But I did nothing for that.
So, that leaves me a question, does someone know if when you create a NEM mosaic, it requires some time to stablish, propagate or start working?
Because, in my tests I made like this:

  1. Created the mosaics
  2. Immediatly started to make transactions tests
  3. And go checking for the fees to be received.
  4. then I kept this cycle sending and receiving transactions between the test accounts

Then, but only 24 hours later things started to work.
Well, anyway, the problem is solved. Thanks

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I don’t see why there would be a delay. Perhaps it was an issue with the node you were on.