Reading all transactions on/from a specific account

What’s the easiest way to read all transactions of an account that was sent/initiated by a specific account?
I don’t find any dedicated call in API. Have I missed it?

Thanks, Andras

Actually I think instead of filtering all the transactions of an account by sender, probably it’s better to send mosaics to the account. This way it’s fairly simple to check what I need. :-T

Please notice, that /account/transfers/(incoming|outgoing) return transactions with encrypted messages. If you need to retrieve decrypted messages you will need to call /local/account/transfers/(incoming|outgoing) which needs private key of the account, so you should initiate this call only on trusted node.

Many thanks for the answer. Let me specify the project a little bit. :slight_smile:

There are a few hundred books in my local library. All of them has an ISBN number and a unique barcode number. The barcode itself is a 64 digit number with leading zeros.

The library owner decides to send a 0 XEM message to private key 000…1 (see NBLXIOUO4EP5YR74HYXS3BFBGONZBUHP3OUK67XH) to record the title of the book as well as the ISBN. Every time the book is lent to one of the members a new transaction is sent to the same address with the name of the customer/reader.

As the first few hundred private keys are commonly used for testing there may be thousands of transactions on every each of them. The programmer’s challenge is to find a quick way to filter all those thousands of transactions to have only the transactions from the library.

Is there a more elegant way then requesting all the transactions by the client app and filtering the results in the app?

Cheers, A.

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