Received a mosaic spam

I just got a mosaic named: pontifier:fuck_this_shitcoin_to_the_ground

Is there a way to block this kind of spam?

There is not.
But that kind of thing helped the developers to implement such functionality in Symbol.

Be aware that levy is attached to the mosaic that you received
so if you try to send it back or to some other address you will be charged and the
fee will go to the creator of the mosaic.

The already known addresses and mosaic
If you move this mosaic to another location
A large amount of xem will be collected
Please do not touch this mosaic

I see that Levy fee Constant: 1 000.000000 nem:xem.

What do you mean about “send it back or to some other address you will be charged and the
fee will go to the creator of the mosaic”?

How can sending the 1000 XEM fee be blocked?

Sorry for my english i sometimes can’t express correctly.
This is what i mean:

check the “Levy” property, here is explained correctly.


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