Remote connection support?

I've configured a Raspberry Pi to run NIS and NCC whilst accessing remotely using a browser. Is this configuration supported? The setup seems to work pretty well apart from when updating or sending NEM when the interface reports that NIS infrastructure is not available.

NCC reports the following:

Sep 01, 2014 8:28:56 PM org.nem.core.connect.ErrorResponse <init>
INFO: Http Status Code 305: NIS_NOT_AVAILABLE
Sep 01, 2014 8:28:56 PM org.nem.ncc.controller.interceptors.AuditInterceptor afterCompletion
INFO: exiting /ncc/api/account/transactions/all []
Sep 01, 2014 8:29:14 PM org.nem.ncc.controller.interceptors.AuditInterceptor preHandle
INFO: entering /ncc/api/account/transactions/all []
Sep 01, 2014 8:29:26 PM org.nem.core.connect.ErrorResponse <init>
INFO: Http Status Code 305: NIS_NOT_AVAILABLE
Sep 01, 2014 8:29:26 PM org.nem.ncc.controller.interceptors.AuditInterceptor afterCompletion

However, after a while the browser updates and the NEM send is eventually processed


I've configured a Raspberry Pi to run NIS and NCC whilst accessing remotely using a browser. Is this configuration supported? The setup seems to work pretty well apart from when updating or sending NEM when the interface reports that NIS infrastructure is not available.

NCC reports the following:

Sep 01, 2014 8:28:56 PM org.nem.core.connect.ErrorResponse <init>
INFO: Http Status Code 305: NIS_NOT_AVAILABLE
Sep 01, 2014 8:28:56 PM org.nem.ncc.controller.interceptors.AuditInterceptor afterCompletion
INFO: exiting /ncc/api/account/transactions/all []
Sep 01, 2014 8:29:14 PM org.nem.ncc.controller.interceptors.AuditInterceptor preHandle
INFO: entering /ncc/api/account/transactions/all []
Sep 01, 2014 8:29:26 PM org.nem.core.connect.ErrorResponse <init>
INFO: Http Status Code 305: NIS_NOT_AVAILABLE
Sep 01, 2014 8:29:26 PM org.nem.ncc.controller.interceptors.AuditInterceptor afterCompletion

However, after a while the browser updates and the NEM send is eventually processed


This should absolutely be supported as this doesn't really "concern" the client. However you might want to read the next Newsletter when it's sent out  ;)

As pat has written, shouldn't be a problem.

There's also one more configuration, where you should be able to run NCC on your machine and NIS on remote, but it's currently secret :wink:

(tip: although if you take a look at some files, you shouldn't have problem figuring out how to do it ; ) )

As pat has written, shouldn't be a problem.

There's also one more configuration, where you should be able to run NCC on your machine and NIS on remote, but it's currently secret ;-)

(tip: although if you take a look at some files, you shouldn't have problem figuring out how to do it ; ) )

Hmmm  ??? now this has me thinking. Whilst looking around I did have one thought so I will give this a go and see what gives


What's the minimum RAM foot print? was that causing the delay in update?

What's the minimum RAM foot print? was that causing the delay in update?

I am not sure if this is a problem with the Raspberry Pi in terms of capability or my configuration expectation.

I am running NIS and NCC on the Pi and then connecting to NCC from a browser on my laptop. All seems okay apart from the error messages about NIS infrastructure. Monitoring the interactive output from NCC I am not sure if it is trying to connect to the laptop NIS or PI NIS and timing out


What's the minimum RAM foot print? was that causing the delay in update?

Right now I think the java engine will run with 256M of RAM but if the number accounts increases it might need 512M RAM at some point.
I don't know what is causing the update delays.