Sending from my wallet to desktop wallet

I tried to send 11,000 Nem to Desktop address from mobile wallet address and all 11,000 went to fees. How do I get my 11,000 back? and why did it all go to fees?

Transfer transaction
Amount0.000000 XEM
Fee 11 000.000000 XEM
Block 1039636
Hash 85a45c5a4d8af1b925852156d87591d359b4e96c803192f9c090f6b2160dadfd

It was an Empty transaction all the Nem went to fees. Really wondering if Ill get charged 1 or 2 Nem and get 10998 nem back.

Most probably you’ll get your coins back.

I hope so…

I think i see what happened I accidently sent 11000 in fees instead if entering 11,000 in amount. Is there any way to edit a transaction or refund.

I’m wondering if you ever got your problem solved. I did the same mistake today when making a deposit to Poloniex.

If you sent all your XEM as fees, then whoever harvested that block is the one who received all your XEM. You need to find the harvester using the block explorer, and beg the harvester for your XEM back.

You will want to find the block that your XEM was sent in by searching for your address, then when you are at the right block, click on the account that says “REMOTE for:…”, that will be the account that received all your XEM.

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I never got my fees back. But I’ll try asking the harvester.

How do you contact the harvest ? :frowning:

You send them the minimum xem required for a transaction, and attach a message to the transaction.

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I was able to get my xem back. A BIG thank you to you, Saul!!!

I tried contacting the harvestor today. I could never send him/her a message because it was a remote address. I think I found the main address. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
Hi, on 3-26-17 I tried to send 11,000 xem to Desktop address from mobile wallet address and I accidently typed in fees area 11,000 instead of typing 11,000 in the amount area. It was an empty transaction. Will you please send me back 10999? your remote address is NA7HZV-REMOJW-CYQOHQ-YTMVVX-OYFOFF-4WX46F-P65U and ncxiqa-4ff5jb-6amq53-nq3zmr-d3x3pj-ewdjjj-ight is your main address?
Thank you. Nick
Transfer transaction
Amount0.000000 XEM
Fee 11 000.000000 XEM
Block 1039636
Hash 85a45c5a4d8af1b925852156d87591d359b4e96c803192f9c090f6b2160dadfd

Hi Nicholas, so you know, that address is wallet of a DEV stake Supernode,, returning your 11,000 fee should be no problem if you bring this information to the attention of one of the NEM devs or board admins who frequent these forums.


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@BloodyRookie @gimre have been tagged

@Saul thanks for tagging