Why is it possible to send transactions with 0 NEM (but x fees)?
Why is it possible to send transactions with 0 NEM (but x fees)?
for sending a message?
Sending a message should be "Send message" not "Send NEM". It's not there in BETA yet…
Sending a message should be "Send message" not "Send NEM". It's not there in BETA yet...
perhaps for people to easily confirm their address to someone while spending as little nem as possible? does it show up as as a received tx on the recipient end and sent on your end??
To confirm that you own an address, a message would be enough, too. Or signing… Both will be there for launch, I hope.
So I still see no reason to do 0 NEM "transactions".
So you would like to have another button with "send message" on it, mixmaster?
or better a button "send nem/message"?
The solution here could be just leave "SEND" in the button and
add a tittle (tooltip) over this button that says "Send message or NEM" or something similar.
There is a menu entry "Messages" on the left. I would like to have the messaging in there and for transactions the attached messasges are more like a "reference" like known at bank transactions.