Sent xem from poloniex to depot wallet never received xem

Sent xem from poloniex to depot wallet never received.
Transfer transactions
Sender /
Recipient Amount
Fee Height Timestamp
nbkruq-zumzx3-x6qz5j-t3wnis-jbaafp-y5pqed-e5h5 190.000000
4.000000 1177935
2017-07-01 15:17:55
2017-07-01 17:17:55
tx hash: d0a161ac02b81b3dc1ab0b9b11793fef52e48fc67d3fe1caa35f4040dd130d41

it appears this block is off of a remote harvestor

It looks like you sent XEM without attaching the message that Poloniex requires. You will need to contact Poloniex support.

it went through.

What do you mean? You have your XEM in poloniex? Problem solved?

Yes the transaction went through. Poloniex has your XEM, but because you didn’t include the message, they do not know who to link the XEM to.

it was at poloniex, shows now in depot wallet, yet doesn’t show in assets

Poloniex has no way to know who gets the XEM it received because you did not fill out the message that you should have originally described.

Please contact Poloniex support with the following information.
· Personal identification number that you must originally fill in the message

Support is crowded, but it will be credited to your Poloniex address.
The personal identification number is displayed on the deposit screen of Poloniex.

Poloniex is designed so that all customers send to the same NEM address.

I sent it from poloniex

About the NEM address of “NBKRUQ-ZUMZX 3-X6QZ5J-T3WNIS-JBAAFP-Y5PQED-E5H5”.

You have received 190 XEM from Poloniex.You received it with a wallet with XEM balance 0. (2017-07-01 15:17:55)

After that, you sent 183 XEM (+ expenses 2 XEM) to “nd4aiv-tn6p5p-soadji-yipkgh-yl7tri-2qrpsj-et7s”. (2017-07-03 18: 41: 37)

Therefore, what remains in the current Wallet will be 6 XEM.

Currently, it is recorded as such on the block chain.
Are there any operations not in memory?
What part is the problem?

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it just took longer than expected. thank you for your support