Setting up / migrating the Nem to Symbol wallet

Hello, I believe I Opted in back in November / December time, (i may have done it wrong)
but when setting up the symbol wallet, and entering my Nem Mnemonic to set up the symbol wallet, im asked to chose a ‘selected account’ all of which have 0 balance, and are all Addresses which i don’t recognize.
which one am I to choose? have i done something wrong, i can still see my original Nem balance when i go into the original nem browser wallet?


If someone could tell me which address to choose when setting up symbol wallet, and if i’ve messed up / how to fix it.

Kind regards,


Hi. Only accounts that had >= 100 XEM were included at Symbol launch.
You will be able claim tokens in post launch opt-in (limit will be lowered) which will start in a few weeks.