Spread some XEM!

Please send some XEM to NCO52B-YGNK7E-6KFFLC-USQGWU-2YMLR7-T6CO35-GJ54 with message Spread some XEM. Will sent them all back.

Lets start spreading it around to get the importance up


I'll send back at least = to what is sent to me.  I recommend everyone do the same

It's great to see that you finally managed to get your correct account  :)

Sent 11 nem.  :slight_smile:

Lets start spreading it around to get the importance up


I'll send back at least = to what is sent to me.  I recommend everyone do the same

It's great to see that you finally managed to get your correct account  :)

ya it was funny to the exact same file at home but with different info

it looks like i created the one sent it to an email myself then created another and registered my stake

Please send XEM to NCXDY2-6BJQ3P-5EYWTJ-CW27AU-ZKT5WY-PXSF7P-WKXD and add message xem spreed. Will sent them all back.

I have send everybody that asked some XEM to play with  :wink:

thx :slight_smile: sent back :slight_smile:

Playing too… Sent some XEMs to people who wanted it. IF you want to farm a reputation with NEM fraction, just send me some XEM, address in profile, i will answer as soon as possible.
However i dont think it will have some real impact  :slight_smile:

spread some XEM

i sent 5000 xem to couple of address

send me i'll send back


Hi guys,

A friend of mine fckd up sending all his NEM to Poloniex.

Poloniex wants 15 NEM from the same account to identify that it's him.

Can someone send him 15 NEM? I can't access my wallet yet. Thanks in advance.


Hi guys,

A friend of mine fckd up sending all his NEM to Poloniex.

Poloniex wants 15 NEM from the same account to identify that it's him.

Can someone send him 15 NEM? I can't access my wallet yet. Thanks in advance.


same thing happened to me.  did you get your XEM yet?

as for everyone else i will do the send backs when i get to work in the morning =) glad this is going so well KEEP IT UP!!! A New Economy Starts With You!

Thanks everybody for sending XEM to NCO52B-YGNK7E-6KFFLC-USQGWU-2YMLR7-T6CO35-GJ54 - I have sent them all back + 1.

Ok I'm all caught up on the send backs and thankyou my inportance is up to 7.61

Could send 1K or more of NEM?

Do not worry, i will send to third account and all back to you a few days after they become vested.

This should increase ours POIs in something.

xem came back… :smiley:


wow some of you guys are doing really well with your POI well done… mines is falling again =)

Thank you for continually sending XEM to my NCO52B-YGNK7E-6KFFLC-USQGWU-2YMLR7-T6CO35-GJ54 account. As you can see on the block explorer I'm sending everything back + 1 XEM.

Send me some XEM with a message of ''Spread XEM'' and I'll send your XEM back.


Hi this is Burakius. I want to thank everyone who send me XEM. Really helped me out. I made a deposit to Poloniex without message. Took me a long time to get it deposited. Had to send XEM again as proof and succeeded thanks to two guys who gave me some XEM. Will send it back!

I have already sent XEM to some addresses here. Send me any amount that is not exceed 100 XEM, I will send you back. NAN26N-3JB6AP-Y46PTF-3B6FI5-N7SYK7-NVBWTJ-III5