With a million+ buying crypto on Coinbase alone per month, you know they’re not doing their due diligence and are being sucked into the marketing schemes and hype that’s put out there everyday promising the world. You know better, NEM is built on an amazing platform that others will try to emulate but won’t even come close. Don’t fall for the FUD from the dime store experts who haven’t the slightest clue what they’re talking about, stay the course with NEM. I know that I am!
Yeah, mollions are buying crypto. They’re just not buying nem, because there is no reason to.
I feel you buddy but nem just looks like a shitty project for newcomers and more and more even for long time holders.
It’s the “get rich quick” kind of guys jumping into this. They hear the hype, people talk, “my friend is making $XXX on BTC, get in on it quick!”
I admit, I was on my way to becoming one of those get rich quick guys… Till I read up about NEM. I spent 12 hours reading up on it and ALL the information I read really resonated with me. You know when you get that good gut feeling because everything feels so right? That’s how NEM made me feel…
I was a newbie to cryptos (still am) though I understood what NEM was capable of and how much better it was than BTC, from the low fees, the high speed transactions, ease of accessibility, coding and low energy costs.
I still don’t fully understand the block chain and crypto currencies, but I know NEM is a good thing.
I just hope there are enough people who take the time to educate themselves, as I did, about NEM in the future…