Stephen Chia | NEM Regional Head of Southeast Asia

I’ve just uploaded an interview with Stephen Chia the NEM Regional Head of Southeast Asia to the “NEM Official” YouTube channel. I hope you all enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe and hit that like button! In this video Stephen talks about his upbringing into the blockchain world as well as sharing his insights with blockchain technology and what’s happening behind the scenes with NEM. Thank you so much!


Hi Newbie.

Are you NEM Australia Lead???
Is it different ’Country Leaders’ ???


Hey GodTanu! There are multiple Australia leads here, that’s just the name that we go by! Yes ‘lead’ is different to the actual country leader. In this case in Australia the head of region is Nelson, Jason Lee is the Expansion Director for Nem Australia and New Zealand! Thanks for the comment

Hi. Nelson is the Australia head of region
. Jason is the director of expansions.
@GodTanu when I lived in Australia I was Sydney Leader with Thanh.
Then you have country leaders
And then Head of regions.
Alex=North America
Stephen Chia=South East Asia( Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand, Korea)
Some countries are “independent” and manage their own budget.
After elections more info about this should be released and organize better.


Going by “AUS lead” is a bit misleading in that case and very easily mistaken for country leader (imo)


I will ask again what name would be better suited for myself here in Australia because clearly this has people confused.

What is your position, what are you doing and what are you reaponsibilities?

Someone who hired called You “NEM Australia Lead”? Agree that it’s confusing. And it looks like interview so why it’s not called “Interview with Stephen Chin | NEM Regional Head of Southeast Asia”? You can introduce yourself on beginning of video.

Thank you


Raph, it’s probably better to use the term NEM Ambassador. (That’s how Jason Lee explained your role to me.) “Lead” is usually assigned to a NEM team member actually leading the strategy and execution for a region. Just to clarify - you’re mainly doing videos for Australia, yes? Like LatinNEM and Inside NEM? Also, welcome to the team!

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Raph is recognised as one of our leads but the official title is NEM content creator and ambassador.

His role is to develop content for NEM in Australia and New Zealand as well as feature Regional Heads and leaders. Soon there will be more videos featuring others too.

Agree that a lot of the roles and titles needs proper definition and post-election, this is something to bring up - standardisation and clear definitions of roles regionally and globally.

Nevertheless, we need to have more content like this to bring awareness to what NEM is doing. Keep it up Raph.