Stolen xem coins from nanowallet

why wont you sup and let people respond who are willing to help

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try contact, @mizunashi and @gevs they might help. gl be happy its small nr.

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Thanks :wink:

your wlc. they are the real deal and can help if they are awake now, think gevs said he is from japan.

Empty password. Really? … guys, this isn’t even funny. What software allowed him to do so?

(If it really was his first day, he basically broke into “someone elses” wallet by guessing “empty password” and send some XEM to it)


Kamil did i misread or are you the source of this lately?

what would be perfect seetings for you by only using nanowallet clint. good day n GOOD JOB

This is the address, when was it acquired?
The first deposit is May 16th.
There are payments from Namuyan’s faucet several times.
Also, you purchased 3300 XEM at Changelly and you also remitted to Poloniex.

If it was recently created, there is a possibility that Wallet and other people have become identical.
If you create a brain wallet, if the password is the same, the same address will be generated.
In this case, the address which others used was generated.
This is one of the possibilities.

On the contrary, if it is said that there is no mistake in depositing and withdrawing, it is withdrawn to the same address as 40 XEM on July 29 and 120 XEM (damaged this time) on September 18.

First of all, please tell me when you used this address.
In some cases, multiple people may be in the same situation.
In Brain Wallet, if you use a password that is frequently used, it is possible that two or more people use the same address.

Tentatively, 40XEM and 120XEM are currently present in NACW7U-YBUNWC-3QYQBP-RPGYRA-VTGIQM-M3URF5-YZV4.

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Sorry, I don’t understand the question. Yes, I do some tests (since I joined NEM recently and wanted to know what it is all about). An equivalent of school project/hobby work. And yes, I got lucky. I have no doubts someone else is doing the same on large scale.

Non password address??


Keep testing, i will set up a video tonight with guidelines to prevent this since great deal last 24h.

I tried NanoWallt 1.3.4, but it looks like it can not be created with a blank password.

Hi there,

Thanks for the help! :wink:

To answer your questions…
Yesterday i used for the first time Nano Wallet, bought some (120 XEM) at and send them to my Nano Wallet.

What can i do?Do you need more info?


Please let me ask another question.
Could you tell me the version of NanoWallet you use?

is there also a problem with simple wallet?
i have 14char pw

I definitely agree that Empty Password should never be allowed…

@Stinghe_Dorian I’m a developer from Belgium. not Japan :slight_smile: I think mizunashi is from Japan!

Sadly in blockchain software all we can do is investigate into this stealing of funds, no one can really give you your money back. For you @Vandenhoeke_Fred I would say 120 XEM might be OK for a lesson to learn being: use strong passwords. An example of strong password is: tiJCWse.bSKj>2:(R~+Jo}5}@smAHK{`3sbSGUF( obviously don’t use this one.

Don’t create brainwallets or at least read the security warning about those!

I would suggest you have a look at mizunashi’s notes, he seems to be investigating this.

Hope for the best :+1:

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Version: BETA 1.4.13

sry you right thats what i was mixing

no, with simple wallets you have a .wlt file where the private key is encrypted with your password. And also the private key is not your password in the case of simple wallets. So it’s a lot harder to get in.

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Kan een landgenoot me helpen? :wink: