Stuck on 'NIS is synchronizing'

Allright. Could you please describe - just shortly - where / in what manner/point/type the problem is ? I suppose that this is not a bug related to 0.6.83 and downgrading to 0.6.82 will not help, correct ?

Downgrading will not help, yes. A more detailed description wil be given at a later point.

Ok, just waiting patiently ;). Thanks BR for your dev-work and support here as well!

Well, no news after next 24 hrs ? Anyway, this “fork trouble” (or what is this exactly) affects all the (super)nodes and all supernodes are failing in tests now, or it happens just by some of them ?

I believe just a select number of them, none of my supernodes have failed yet …

Thanks willowfoot for confirmation. I deleted my blockchain DB and now building it “from scratch”, so we’ll see, if it is could help.

We have fixed the issue and some other issues and are testing in testnet.

Great to hear this, do you have some ETA, when that fixed version could be on mainnet ?

I tried to rebuild DB by my supernode yesterday, but nothing changed - it has still trouble with synchronizing of blocks ~ 2 days ago, and due to this it’s still failing in the supernodes round tests…

Me too.
I also rebuilt the DB (again), but am stuck on synchronizing from 2 days ago.

Mine has been saying NIS is synchronizing 400 days behind. what to do?

Are you using the latest NIS from You can also download the latest database from there as well.

Did you just start your node? then it will take some time till it is synced. Is the message changing (like saying 380 days behind after some time)?

NIS is synchronizing. At block 1111955, est. 17 days behind. (at block 1111955)
This has been going on for days now -Updated the latest Nem software 0.6.87-BETA and Java -but still the same sync issue- this is when you wish you had your money in an exchange - and not in a wallet that is dedicated to the crypto -which we think is the safer thing to do???

You do not need to run your own NIS locally. You can access your account by connecting to a remote NIS.

Your NIS was running an outdated version for too long and now is stuck on a fork.
Shutdown NIS, delete the db, download db from, then start nis again.

Looks like you have my name-- I’m the Bloody Rookie here - I dont know what you mean by db and when I see the page of, I’m more confused than ever–More guidance would be appreciated -and thanks for giving me some help -I really appreciate it…

Before describing in detail…you are running your own local NIS?



  1. Shutdown NIS.
  2. Delete the file nis5_mainnet.h2.db in the folder c:\users\ < your user > \nem\nis\data.
  3. Download
  4. Unzip into folder c:\users\ < your user > \nem\nis\data.
  5. Start NIS again.
  6. Let NIS sync the rest of the blockchain.
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Thanks a lot -going to try this -much appreciated -I will let you know the out come –
Its working again -just has to sync -783days behind -lets see if it gets all the way there –
Well done BloodyRookie its all back and Synchronized again -Thank You!!!

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