Supernet' like for nem

are u guys thinking
to build something like supernet for nem ecosystem?

now i m using  nxt  but i sincerely want something more fair
because the nxt and btc distribution were just disgusting 1% control almost everything
if crypto looks like that …then it's worst than fiat 
fortunately there is some interesting distribution like  ( faircoin"faircoop" nodecoin nem)
sadly  none of them are  enough developed to be used in real life

i love the progress that is happening in nxt really interesting…but i quiet sure that nxt will not survive for the longue run (10 year)
we dont even know the true number of the early stakeholders…i mean anyone can create  more than one bitcointalk account and participate to the nxt ipo…
who knows maybe there is only 10 or 4 original stakeholder…and this, is just unacceptable

the only serious alternative to nxt now is nem …nem can be a serious threat …i just hope that nem progress in the same way as nxt or faster
and the same time i m keeping an eye on faircoin"faircoop" and nodecoin

credit to visaco:

Don't think so. Even if there was time I personally don't see it is a promising endeavour. If we have all important features in one platform it is imho way better than having all kinds of features spread over many cryptos connected in a network. It's nice for crypto nerds but the avg. dude won't care for all that.

I will take one step back and question the relevance of supernet. If you can name me why Supernet is so great, then perhaps there is a case. At this moment in time, I see no case in having a supernet.

Why do we need to have intercoin operability when we know for a fact that few coins will survive this journey and all the rest will just fall by the wayside.

What practical application is there for supernet other than satisfying that things will work as a technical experiment.

What is most important to day is to promote and propagate use cases that affect the 7 B people on this planet.

A very much reduced and highly efficient Intecoin connectivity will come one day and it is too early to address it. Further, if Supernet as it is now is going to work one day into the future, it is already there. There is therefore no need to re-invent the wheel. Just use it.