Those are very basic questions. I don’t think i have the time to answer every question in detail.
Maybe other community users can help him a little?
Preferably someone who has used the service to setup a node.
Some answers:
NIS = Nem Infrastructure Server = the software that runs on a node and which communicates with others NIS instances on other nodes. Those NIS instances make up the NEM network ´(create blocks, handle transactions…)
Where NIS is / where the NIS folder resides depends on the installation. I haven’t used the service i am not sure.
Servant = extra software that runs on a supernode through which some tests (bandwidth, computing power ping) are performed. You need to have that software running on your node to pass all tests.
A response is what the browser displays when you issue a request in your browser (issue a request = type in the string into the browser address bar. For example i you enter
and hit ‘enter’ on the keyboard, the browser will display
{“metaData”: {
“features”: 1,
“application”: null,
“networkId”: 104,
“version”: “0.6.87-BETA”,
“platform”: “Oracle Corporation (1.8.0_11) on Linux”
“endpoint”: {
“protocol”: “http”,
“port”: 7890,
“host”: “”
“identity”: {
“name”: “Hi, I am Alice2”,
“public-key”: “cd94cdcfde6878e093bc70e35b575dbe68095c69f73112e67559f71c1fb64c6e”
as response. This means that the node has answered the request.
Hope this helps a little.