Supernode payout only 2%?

Hi there, we are looking to run a supernode and trying to calculate a return on investment. I understand we are required to bond 3 mio XEM to an account (approx. 1.5 mio usd) and will be rewarded with approx 70.000 xem/day devided with the number of nodes (currently at approx 600).

In total we get about 2 % per year interest from bonding 1.5 mio usd. It seems very low when operational costs also need to be accounted for. Is there a block transaction fee that also are rewarded to supernodes? Can any supernode providers give more insight into this?

Thanks for any reply.

payout is 140k / day, right now that amounts to roughly 300 xem / day per node.
300 * 365 = 109500, so you get about 3.65% interest / year.

Thanks for your reply. Is the updated payout available somewhere? From the docs it looks like the payout will be lowered in the future.

These 3 mio XEM, can they be bonded using a “normal” node while they are bonding on a supernode?

Do you know of interest rates for running a normal node?

i guess somewhere in this thread it is mentioned that the payout increased from 70K / day to 140k / day. The docs you are referring to were a proposal, so you shouldn’t rely on it.

Not sure what you mean, can you rephrase?

I haven’t calculated it but i think it is pretty low, you won’t make much money even with a big balance.

Hi again, @BloodyRookie do you know if there is a limit to how much vested XEM can be staked to one particular supernode?

And is there a total limit on how much vested XEM can be staked in the entire blockchain? For instance, all ~9 billion :slight_smile:

vested balance <= total balance

is the only limitation and total balance is at most total chain balance which is 8,999,999,998 xem iirc.

Good to know.

The supernode listed here: has “harvesting slots” do you know what that means?

It means that for each (free) slot, a Nano Wallet used is able to occupy the slot for remote harvesting.

Ohh I see. So a supernode can control how many wallets are staking on it?

I see nodes that has up to 1000 slots. Can it be set higher?


There is no enforced limit.
