Support our thunderclap campaign!

The time for action has arrived!

Its time to reach thousands of people but we need the communities support. The more users who support this campaign, the more people we can reach! Its expected to reach somewhere between 30k and 50k people with 100 supporters, but we are going to smash that and aim for 250. Please click one, two or three of the big red buttons "support with facebook/twitter/tumbler". When the deadline arrives, the tweet/post shown will be automatically sent out on everyones feed.

If everyone who has NEM signed up to this, we woud reach n the region of 300k - 500k people so please sign up and help us smash our goal! Tell your friends and family and sign up with every account you can. Lets spread the word about NEM.

Thank you in advance to anyone who signs up.

done, don't have much followers though, mainly use twitter for keeping with up news

done. have close to 500 crypto-related followers on my twitter.

everybody join pls!

thanks guys! the more the merrier. :slight_smile:

Done I have 4000 Crypto Twitter Followers

Show some NEM Love


Done I have 4000 Crypto Twitter Followers

Show some NEM Love


Your twitter name?

Done on all three and both Twitter accounts


Got it on my facebook.  I am not as active on twitter and tumblr…

Done  :smiley:

Done here as well.
