Symbol Supernode Programme - community testing

I 'm testing trying to figure out everything on testnet.

I see now in explorer that those nodes with height bigger than 149xxx are gone.
Also i see my was listed once but i do not get why the public key is different i mean is new
if i have put back the old addresses.yml file which had different accounts and public keys in it.

In mean time i managed to block my node it now give me this error if i do healtCheck:
2021-05-08T07:17:28.301Z warn Container rest-gateway is NOT running YET.

when stated it says that the rest api has been started but i couldn’t access the node from rest api so i have done the healthchek. I left the node over night running in hope it will start that rest-api but this morning it was still stuck.

So i would like to reconfigure the node from start with my old accounts (addresses).
If i use the -r (--reset) option it cleans up the target folder and it generates new addresses file.
I have tried to run the config option with --upgrade after replacing the addresses file with the old one.
I see then that it takes the old addresses in but then later it throws the following error in console:
2021-05-08T07:33:26.690Z error Unknown error generating the configuration. Voting key should have been previously generated!!! You need to reset your target folder. Please run --reset using your original custom preset. 2021-05-08T07:33:26.690Z error The target folder 'target' should be deleted!!! Error: Voting key should have been previously generated!!! You need to reset your target folder. Please run --reset using your original custom preset. etc...

Question is how can I force the configuration to use another existing addresses file

My SuperNode is up and running for the last 2 days. It is allso listed in the Explorer: but I am missing the marker for being a SuperNode. So I enrolled my node again:
symbol-bootstrap enrollRewardProgram --useKnownRestGateways
It succeeded.

To be sure that things are working as expected, I did the validation. Except the call to the agent were successfull:

curl --insecure https://localhost:7881/metadata
curl: (35) Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).

I tried also with wget:
wget --no-check-certificate https://localhost:7881/metadata

--2021-05-08 17:40:52--  https://localhost:7881/metadata
Resolving localhost (localhost)... ::1,
Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:7881... connected.
OpenSSL: error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
Unable to establish SSL connection.

What am I missing here?

Hi, fboucquez.
Well, that’s what I did. I asked: How?
Would you please be so kind to provide an example for both mem_limit and cpus please? I would prefer not to experiment with a trial and error method. Thanks in advance

Does this have to be specified in the custom preset once, or does it have to be repeated for each container?

this thread is letargic. we need to bump this again as i see nobody answered to my questions above yet.
Here I am again with questions regarding harvesting and the supernode reward by using symbol bootstrap tool.

1st) question
Is it possible to use another addresses.yml file and not the one that is created automatically when the target folder is created. I have an older addresses file that i have created before and after that i have cleared by mistake the target folder.

In documentation is written that the node should have 1,2 or 3M xym to become super node
or 3m to enable voting. Does this mean that the node main account should have funds in it or
this is also valid if the main account has 0 xym but there is a linked account to that node with 1,2 or 3 M xym?

How to link an account for remote harvesting to the node using desktop wallet. Do i need to copy the data from the addresses.yml file in section “link account” in desktop wallet or should i copy the data from the account in the desktop wallet to the addresses.yml file?


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I’ll try to answer these:

  1. I would recommend to use a custom yml file with the custom settings and the keys to be used in addresses.yml file. It will be easier to do upgrades in the future (or reset your node). I have no idea if you can use an old addresses.yml file, someone else should answer that. You can however put the addresses from your old addresses.yml into that custom yml file, that would do the same.
  2. If you want to be a supernode the main account needs to have enough funds in it
  3. If it is you own account best thing you can do is put that account into the custom yml file. That would be the easiest. Other that that, if your node is in the list in the desktop wallet, you can just delegate to your own node from the desktop wallet

Hi @DaveH ,
is there any update on running the super nodes on test net?

  • Are there enough testnodes?
  • Were any issues identified?
  • Any plans on next steps?

Happy to get any feedback.
Even if I have to use another communication media to be in the loop for discussing test on super node rewards Programm.

Regards, Markus

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I think it should be done here in the forum/Slack, where it is accessible to all.
Telegram or similar is certainly not a suitable tool for this.
Still, 64 test nodes are pretty sad.
Not sure where the community has gone.

I was happy to be a tester on testnet before the mainnet release. I tested it and it was ok for me, I don’t see a need to do any further testing. Just release it already, 64 is plenty to test such a thing

Maybe you missed that 25 nodes are from the NGL and 10 nodes from
(Nodes community actually = 29)
(Nodes Mainnet actually = 1779)
Thus the participation of the community is probably rather manageable.
Each of us sets up our nodes differently.
This is precisely why greater participation from the community would have been desirable.
If we have an issue again after the next release, there will be a lot of screaming again.

Supernode program was promised at launch. We are 2 months later now. It was tested before launch (and I tested it as wall) and it was running well before launch. I’m done with testing and I’m guessing a few people with me, just release it asap.
I’m not sure what rigorous testing is for, it can’t be for the actual node software because that is running on 1800 nodes at the moment without big issues. Is testing that small part of the overall software that crucial?

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it is very quite on this topic.

I am also a little bit lost. Who is in charge or which group is driving the community test?

Please, provide an update on this topic.
Even if it means that there will no super node program for symbol.

Hi @Thies1965

This one is being co-ordinated by @OhGodAGirl and @Jaguar0625 as of a few weeks back (when tech team etc handed over). They are working to have an update soon I believe but I’m not in the detail of this one ongoing


Thank you @DaveH for the information,

@OhGodAGirl / @Jaguar0625 would be nice to get an update in this topic. Also let us know in case we might help in any issue.


When will the Symbol Blockchain Supernode program launch on the main blockchain?


" "

For example, what are the requirements for " Public permissionless networks " ?

Not sure, but possibly “communication” between the participants? @OhGodAGirl ?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m not quite sure what’s funny about that.
A public, permission-free network can only function if certain conditions are met.
This requires open communication between the parties involved. For a while(this topic), this is no longer the case here.
Only then can participants in this network, build trust and understand decisions. You surely don’t want to tell me that you have read every line of code —> “catapult-server”, “symbol-bootstrap” and so on ?

Just funny that many months after launch the SN program is still nowhere to be released. And nobody is even asking any more about early Ecosystem support rewards.

On the topic of Public distributed, permissionless networks isn’t the whole point that there is no communication required between the parties involved. The Symbol network parameters have been defined and it is your decision to join the network or not. No communication needed and nobody that could deny you access.

No need to verify the code for me, I am just interested in the parameters the network runs on. And I can easily verify and trust them without needing to involve anyone else.

Hi, maybe it’s because there are only 237 SN(NIS) online at the moment and some missed the registration for this program.

We are in the startup phase. As long as programs, e.g., Ecosystem support or the SN program are running, it is important that there is open communication here.
This will play a big role in the success, also in terms of the future development of Symbol.
But here lies at the moment also still a contradiction. Even you have this contradiction in your contribution.
No one can deny you participation in the Symbol blockchain, the properties are clearly defined.
On the other hand, you wonder, about the lack of communication, at the Ecosystem program. So you lack confidence in the future development of Symbol.

It is always the “total package” of a project that counts.