Sync problem in mainnet

My dual node’s( synchronization is stopping now by something error.
what is causing and what can I do for solving this problem?

The error codes is below.

node            | 0x00007f7686ffd700: <warning> (consumers::BlockChainSyncConsumer.cpp@255) processing of peer chain failed with Failure_Chain_Block_Inconsistent_State_Hash 
node            |  0x00007f76867fc700: <info> (disruptor::ConsumerDispatcher.cpp@44) completing processing of element 586 (360 blocks (heights 31232 - 31591) [D350E690] from Remote_Pull with size 212KB 862B), last consumer is 0 elements behind 
node            |  0x00007f76867fc700: <warning> (consumers::ReclaimMemoryInspector.cpp@33) consumer aborted at position 585 while processing 360 blocks (heights 31232 - 31591) [D350E690] from Remote_Pull with size 212KB 862B due to Failure_Chain_Block_Inconsistent_State_Hash 
node            |  0x00007f76867fc700: <info> (disruptor::ConsumerDispatcher.cpp@44) completing processing of element 587 (1 blocks (heights 32006 - 32006) [F4B3252A] from Remote_Push with size 537B), last consumer is 0 elements behind 
node            |  0x00007f76867fc700: <warning> (consumers::ReclaimMemoryInspector.cpp@33) consumer aborted at position 586 while processing 1 blocks (heights 32006 - 32006) [F4B3252A] from     Remote_Push with size 537B due to Failure_Consumer_Remote_Chain_Unlinked 
node            |  0x00007f7686ffd700: <warning> (consumers::BlockChainProcessor.cpp@221) block state hash (3A0FEF193833CDBD729E2167F67F969B7411C76D380806558E0B70CA8BAF6624) does not match cache state hash (5A856F5C1F7773D531DA255B60D73183988047B4CE59A0BC0DDFA3678D62F3E2) at height 31232 

I’m using Symbol-bootstrap(v1.0.2), and healthCheck is good at all. node/health is displaying ‘up’ both nodeApi and db.
I did reboot symbol-bootstrap, and Ubuntu OS, but ineffective.

Hi yamnode,

Have you found a solution to this issue?

My node started acting strange today, somehow the balance reported from my node was not in align with peers so I have tried symbol-bootstrap resetData and started encountering the similar issue

2021-04-05 03:31:45.210873 0x00007f61057fa700: <warning> (consumers::BlockChainProcessor.cpp@221) block state hash (9185FDBA25D1ED661FAC8FF36F6B6D849150877FAD754F2CA56570B0DEB6F2A4) does not match cache state hash (4F1CFEAB3E38CC558625A09C9795BD719EC5DB8E5D5C9EE3B738021A7EC3231A) at height 587

I’m not quite sure what to do now…

Actually I’ve found out why… For me it was due to modifying the harvestBeneficiaryPercentage: 25. I thought it might be helpful to reduce it down but that caused all the shits to happen ( non stop harvesting, and unable to sync ). After removing this customization, symbol-bootstrap stop; symbol-bootstrap resetData; symbol-bootstrap start; fixed the issue for me.

It’s network properties. You can change to 0 or to 25. Nothing else.

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Thanks for info. The documentation isn’t stating that available options are 0, 25


harvestBeneficiaryPercentage uint8_t 10 25
Percentage of the harvested fee that is collected by the beneficiary account.

I’ve tried reducing to 10 to match with a value in the testnet and somehow my node started harvesting non-stop and corrupted the database so I think there should be some warning in the documentation too. I will find some time to reproduce and open a case for improved documentation.

It’s network properties. You can’t change it whatever you want. It will cause your node fork from network:

Ah got it. I’m new to running a node so, Thanks for teaching!