Good day. I had in my account NEM Wallet NBKTKZ-IHBDXK-KOQ5YB-3E5RIL-B3KKY4-LVP3AJ-PKXR around 965 XEM, which was stolen on NDFJBF-HL6MWL-5HMOLB-LRZF4M-3YC676-37QT4G-276O on March 8, 19:16, 2018. Since the purse belongs to you, please return me XEM. Thank you.
Wallet don’t belong to us. It belong to someone who stole your coins. We can’t transfer it back to your account.
Coins was transfered via couple accounts to:
How your coins was stolen?
Dis you install suspicious apps?
Did you use mobile or desktop wallet?
I have sent transaction with message to hacker.
Give me back your XEM, I could not know that on the official website of PLAY MARKET there may be swindlers, your task is to prevent the wrong links for downloading
I’ve downloaded my wallet Plаy Market. How do i return my xem?
I bought xem for all my savings, and they were stolen from me. Please help me, return xem. Punish those responsible for the theft. Thanks!
I bought 244 xem on February 19, 2018. On February 27, 2012 I bought 720 xem. In total it was 965 xem, 8/03/2018 at 19:16 all XEM were stolen. I found out about this on 03/13/2018, because I did not go to my wallet before. What should I do.
it’s all my savings. Help me
If you use official mobile wallet I can only expect that someone was able to steal your private key from device.
Maybe you have installed some app that stole your data?
I’m afraid only way is contact with police.
Согласно международного права создатель продукта (XEM) отвечает за качество, гарантию, целосность продукта, а так же обеспечуєт его сохраность. С моей сторони нарушений покупки и сбережений Xem небыло. Я как инвестор был уверен что компания NEM гарантирует безопасность и целостность моих инвестиций. Кража моих инвестиций XEM делает большой, негативный отпечаток на репутации NEM, в свете событий которые на данный момент происходят c NEM. Я вас прошу вернуть мне мой XEM, или я буду вынужден обратится в масс медиа, СМИ для того чтобы показать бездействия компании NEM, и отношения его к своим инвесторам в данных ситуациях.
According to international law, the creator of the product (XEM) is responsible for the quality, guarantee, integrity of the product, and also ensures its preservation. On my side of the breach of purchase and savings, Xem was not. Being an investor, I was sure that NEM company guarantees the safety and integrity of my investments. Stealing my investments XEM has a great negative impact on the reputation of NEM in light of the events that are currently occurring with NEM. I ask you to return XEM to me, or I will have to turn to the media and the media to demonstrate NEM’s inaction and its relationship with its investors in these situations.
You are response for safety of your device. If you lose private key/installed suspicious software and because of that hacker was able to steal your coins it’s your fault. It works same in traditional banks (which of course cryptocurrency isn’t).
That’s why I asked you how you lose your coins? What wallet did you use? Did you install some suspicious app? Or maybe you are sure that there is problem in wallet. If yes please please point out bug you have found.
I use the wallet NEM Wallet +. I have all the keys, I did not give them to anyone. The last application I installed is NEM Wallet +. I discovered the loss of coins on 03/13/2018. I also saw by the purse that the transaction with the transfer was on 08/03/2018 at 19:16.
Ok. So:
- this was Android wallet ?
- did you use wallet when transaction was made (08/03/2018 at 19:16) ?
- where did you save your private key data ? On device (for example in gallery) or on paper?
- have you other apps related with cryptocurrency ?
It was an Android-purse on a mobile phone.
I did not enter the purse 03/08/2018, did not do the operation, it was intended for long-term storage.
The key was saved on paper.
I have Binion applications on my mobile phone, there are no more applications related to crypto-currencies.
One more thing.
Could you provide your phone model and android version?
Sumsung SM-J510FN/DS
How long do I need to wait for an answer?
I spoke with Android dev. He told that private key is stored in secure memory and no way that someone was able to steal it.
More likely is that someone stole screenshot of your qr code with private key from gallery or some other data like plain text private key.
Android app uses a lot of users without problems.
Have you any idea how that could happen?
what do I do in this case, return me my XEM!!!