Hi all,
A few years ago there was a telegram group created that was an area for SuperNode holders to chat about key topics they wished to discuss with one another, or to support one another technically or otherwise. It could be done here with persons of similar mindset without worrying about fake accounts, when moon etc.
The group would now like to expand that out to not only people who run SuperNodes but to those who could if they wanted to. To reset the group, the request is that it starts as a fresh telegram group.
On this basis there will be a process to join a new telegram group which will need the individuals to confirm they hold more than 3m XEM or 1m XYM.
If you wish to join, you need to do the following:
- If you hold over 3m XEM or 1m XYM, send a transaction with your telegram handle to a specific address in an encrypted message.
- For XEM transactions please send to : NCRUN2LAVAVMNJCA25W5LHC4JARMIPE7TBXGW2BJ
- For XYM transactions please send to: NDQBVQERGA6IMQL6M5QTQZSWCBQNCAFHZ372FNQ
- We will verify if there are sufficient funds in the account
- This address will be checked weekly to confirm any new additions
- An audit will be performed regularly to check the numbers are still relevant
If for any reason you are not comfortable with this process or you cannot send encrypted messages, then please contact @cryptoBeliever on telegram and he will pick it up and work through it with you.
Translations will follow