The future of NEM Foundation

Can I request we respect the official vote that has been passed and announced during the EGM which will happen in a few hours.

From 15 Dec 2018 onwards, let us back the new council and any decision that will be made by the new leadership - POI voting, changing by-laws, leadership decisions, Foundation 2.0. Let us reserve our comments when the new council makes their decision and voice our feedback at the appropriate forums.

Let us unite as a collective to build a solid foundation for NEM blockchain and support the growth of a strong NEM Foundation as an entity in the eyes of our partners, the public and most importantly the community.

As much as we want the best for NEM, we also need to be aware that NEM Foundation in the last year has gone to be an ‘employer’ for multiple individuals across the world. It hurts me when employees of NEM feel that their jobs and future are at stake. If there is misconduct or unfair practices committed, let the council do the due diligence and take swift action. If not, let us forge together and rid ourselves of FUD and be the driving force in this industry for the good. Wishing the best to all and if you have not voted (official, POI or whatnot), please take action!


Well said Jason. Respecting due process is important- even if it’s not ideal or if there were mishaps along the way. I really hope that the NEM Community will be able to come together and heal and focus on the important things: Getting Catapult out, establishing better governance and communication, and focusing on projects.

I think we’re all very drained from what has been quite an ugly election and we’ve all learned valuable lessons. I hope that there will be a post mortem discussion to lay out how future elections should be conducted/ what processes/ opening up registration for memberships again. I also believe that this election is an important milestone for NEM and indeed for the potential of blockchain (warts and all) for democracy across the world.